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Property and Estates

Property and Estates allows the creation and maintenance of Property and Estates structures and their associated features within Concept Evolution

Settings > Property and Estates

Icon Feature Description
Department Groups Department Groups can be used as a top level grouping for Departments.
Department Elements Each Department within an organisation will consist of various groups of people, or sub-divisions such as Administration, client-facing personnel, office-based personnel or Customer Services. These sub-groups or sub-divisions are known as Elements
Utility Types An organisation will use many different types of utilities. The list of utilities is maintained here.
Measurement Units Utilities are measured in different units e.g. electricity may be measured in KW /Hrs. The list of measurements is maintained here.
Building Types Concept Evolution allows Buildings to have a Type connected to them e.g. Buildings contain "Offices" or is a "Retail Unit"
Location Types Adding a Location Type to a Location is what makes the room bookable. To aid with room booking and filtering different location types can be added e.g. meeting room, training room or hot-desk.
Building Status Concept Evolution allows Buildings to have a status connected to them. This allows Buildings to be passed to History if no longer in use or Suspended if under repair.
Location Status Concept Evolution allows each Location to be graded via a Locational Status field. The grading may be used for a number of purposes including filtering and reporting.
Area Types Area Types are used to group together areas which certain locations e.g. All zones (areas) within areas of accident and emergency (Area Type).
Branches Branches can be used to show if a Building is a local operating division of a business.
Building Conditions Concept Evolution allows Buildings to be allocated a Condition, this can be useful for filtering and reporting.
Location Conditions Concept Evolution allows Locations to be allocated a Condition, this can be useful for filtering and reporting.
Region Type Concept Evolution uses Regions to group counties together, these regions can have a Region Type connected to them e.g. geographical or economical.
Portfolio Type Concept Evolution uses Portfolios to group Buildings together, these Portfolios can have a Portfolio Type connected to them e.g. a Regional managers Portfolio or South East Retail Units
Area Types Area Types are used to group together areas which contain certain locations e.g. All zones (areas) within areas of accident and emergency (Area Type).

Facilities > Property and Estates

Icon Feature Description
Building Register Buildings can represent actual Buildings on a Site e.g. Building One, or smaller areas of a building e.g. East Wing
Location Register In order to ease both Asset tracking and Call Logging, Concept Evolution allows every Location (i.e. Room, corridor, storage cupboard, etc.) to be defined.
Site A Site can represent a geographical area e.g. London, a large area e.g. The Hospital Site or a small group of Buildings e.g. The Square
Floors Buildings can have Floors assigned to aid in understanding the Buildings Structure.
Regions Regions are used to group together Countries.
Portfolios Portfolios can have Buildings assigned to them to aid in filtering and reporting. They can also be placed in hierarchical structure e.g. grouping regional buildings for a regional manger.
Areas Area are used to group together certain locations e.g. All areas of accident and emergency.
Departments Departments can used to define groups of people, sub sections of an organisation and Locations within a business.
Countries Countries can be added to many entities within Concept Evolution.
Location Groups - Reach Module Location Groups allow Locations to be grouped together for use within the Concept Reach module, this makes assigning Bookable Rooms easier.
Lease Register The Lease Register allows users to define any number of leases against a particular Building or Location. Once a Lease Register has been created, details of the rents payable are recorded in the Rent Register.
Rent Register The Rent Register window allows details to be recorded of any Rents defined against the leases on the system.
Utilities The Building Utility area is used to record and maintain consumption a Building or Locations of utilities.
Rates Register Rates are used to record details of any Business Rates paid against Buildings or Locations.